I took an incredible road trip this summer from Minnesota to the East Coast of the US and Canada. We spent five weeks on the road, which meant fun things like beach picnics, campfires, and chasing sunsets, as well as less fun things like laundry and grocery store trips. As we were getting ready to leave Elegear asked to send me their folding wagon to review. I could not have thought of a more perfect piece of equipment to add to our trip.
Elegear is dedicated to providing high-quality and practical outdoor gear for those who love outdoor travel, allowing them to feel comfortable in nature. Their goal is a provide an affordable wagon to provide their customers with convenience during outdoor activities. The key features of this wagon are that it is collapsable, compact, lightweight, and sturdy.
The Wagon
When assembled, the wagon weighs 15 lbs and can hold 260 lbs. The frame is made from thickened carbon steel to ensure that it is strong. It folds up small and the wheels can be removed to fit it into tight locations. The handle is anti-drop meaning that it springs back up when dropped. The wheels pivot 360 degrees and are all terrain.
Trying the Wagon Out
When the wagon arrived I quickly pulled it out of the box and found assembly very quick and intuitive. There was a note in the box to ensure that I found the additional wheels stored at the bottom of the box to ensure I didn’t think they were missing. My first thoughts were that it was a very nice size both assembled and packed up and that it was easy to pull with the sturdy wheels. I packed it in our camper and we took it on our adventure with us.
We first used it on laundry day after we were on the road for a few days. It came in so handy to both sort our dirty laundry on the way into the laundry mat and then as a nice clean surface to fold out laundry into as we finished up. The next day we stayed at a campground less than a mile from the grocery store. Parking was limited near the store so we pulled the wagon to the store with us.

It was nice to be able to collapse the wagon to fit into the cart while shopping and then to open it up to pull our groceries home. It allowed us to fully stock up vs. just pick up a few things we could carry back to our campsite. We most appreciated how easy it was to fold it up to move it out of the way and then pop it open again as well as how easy it was to pull it longer distances. The pop-up handle was super convenient and made it comfortable to pull.

While the wagon came in super handy for all those chores we also found it was just as fantastic for all the fun things we wanted to do as well. One of my primary goals for this road trip was to spend as much time oceanside as possible. I can never get enough of the salty winds and waves in the short time we get to spend on the coast and I need to see every sunrise and sunset possible.
This meant doing a lot of walking to get to the beaches. I was hesitant to pull the wagon to the beach because I’ve seen others struggling with wagons in the sand when they just sink but thought I would give this one a try.
I loaded the wagon up with our chairs, my book, some drinks, and some snacks and headed to the beach. I was pleasantly surprised at how well it pulled through sands and rocks and so I used it frequently for afternoons on the beach. We also found it handy when we wanted to have a campfire a ways from our campsite. We loaded up our campfire wood, s’mores supplies, and beverages and pulled it down the dirt road to the fire pit. We found that when we placed a board over the top of the wagon it became a wonderful fireside table.
My Recommendation
This wagon enhanced our beach experiences in Maine, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Michigan. In addition, it made our laundry and grocery trips smoother. When we got home we also used it for yard work. We put the sturdiness of this wagon to the test by pulling it in different conditions and constantly setting it up and stowing it away. It still functions like it is brand new.
It is well-designed to be easy to use and to last. It made an incredible trip even more incredible and I recommend getting one if you are taking a road trip of your own or looking for a way to make picnics, shopping, festivals, and more easier. You can check out Elegear Folding Wagon for yourself on Amazon.

Your thoughts on the Elegear Folding Wagon?
Where would you best use this wagon on your travels or even at home? Please share your thoughts and ideas in the comments section below. For other practical reviews by Sara Baird and other outdoor reviewers, check out Camping for Women’s Reviews Page.